Tuesday, March 22, 2011

This and that

So, I'm feeling a bit of stress these days. I've got this huge paper to construct and things are just not going according to plans. Lent has fallen by the wayside...I'm still doing pretty good with the sodas, the eating out...so-so, but the exercise? Null, nada, nothing. The energy is just not there. Thing is, if I would exercise, the energy would be there...such a vicious cycle. I am just so ready to get this paper DONE and out of the way. I am in a holding pattern right now, waiting to see if I can pull it off with the research and data I've collected, or if I'm going to have to do more...ugh.

So, that's what's going on in the world of Becky...what's going on with you?

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Hope the paper comes along well! You know what we are doing here.LOL:)
