Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Month Later...

So, it's been a full month since I posted last. I've been a little busy. I finished my paper and had my comp exams on Tuesday...I passed, so in August, I will officially graduate with my second Master's degree! It's been a long haul, and I am SOOOO happy to be (almost) done. I still have some revisions to do, but that should not take long.

School is almost over. We have a long weekend for Memorial Day, and then 3 half days (Tues., Weds., and Thurs.) next week, and then we're done until mid-August. I am so can't come soon enough!!

This summer is going to be busy, too. I have several housesitting jobs set up...this is something I do to earn a little extra cash and also to keep sweet pets from having to be kenneled for so long. It is often a little bit of a vacation for me, as well. I will also be participating with the church youth in a couple of mission trips and a youth conference. One mission trip will be within Greer, and the other in the Appalachian mountains of TN. The youth conference is in Montreat, NC, one of my favorite places in the world. With all of this going on, it will be time to start back to school before I know it! It'll be a fun summer, but I have a feeling that I'm going to be just as tired when we start back!

I hope everyone enjoys their last few days of school and the start to the summer!