Yesterday, I went here.
Unfortunately, my camera battery died after the first shot, and I didn't have a spare, so I don't have the pictures to share that I hoped I would. 3 of my 8 students competed. Adam, who is 10, competed in the softball throw and the standing long jump, and got a silver and a bronze! Anya, also 10, competed in the same events and got a gold and a bronze, and Madison, who is 8, and who competed for the first time in softball throw and 50m dash, got a silver and a bronze! I'm so proud of them. They worked hard and got their awards to show for it. Special Olympics is such a wonderful event. Every child walks away with something, and this year, for the first time, all of our kids got third place or above! No 4th and 5th place ribbons for our kiddos...they went for the metal! Thankful to Eunice Kennedy Shriver, who established the Special Olympics for these kiddos who have to work so hard!
The Special Olympics motto is "Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt." and our kids do just that. Whereas we "typical" people often pout if we don't do the best, these kiddos just do their thing, laughing and happy, brave and loving life! We could all learn a lesson from them...I know that I do, everyday.
1 comment:
Sorry about the battery...sounds like a perfect day even with out pictures! Congrats to all your kiddos:)
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