Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lenten Disciplines

For a number of years, giving up or taking on something for Lent was a Catholic tradition, but in the past 20 or so years, it has spilled over into the Protestant church. Lent, the 40 days before Easter, when we focus on Jesus' sacrifices, has always been observed in the Presbyterian church, it has just become a much more disciplined process.

I always give up something for Lent. You know, the requisite soda, french fries, chocolate. But last year, my pastor, Brandi, started talking about giving up a "negative" discipline and taking on a "positive" discipline. This year, I am taking Lent to the limit! Here is what I have done: I have given up two "addictions"- drinking 5-6 sodas a day and eating out when there is plenty of food and time to prepare food at home ( I still eat out if I am out with a group, friends, etc....just not when I can very easily prepare something at home). Let me tell you, the eating out has not been so hard, but the sodas? That's been a bear! I do allow myself one soda with caffeine in the morning (my "coffee") and one decaf in the afternoon...although I TRY to do without that one. Woo...I'm definitely getting the lesson in sacrifice. As for taking on a "positive" discipline, I am trying to exercise at least 3 times a week. The eating out has taken a toll on the waistline and I've got to do something about it. I am starting to train to fully run a 5k...I did 2 5ks last year, and I ran some of both of them, but walked more. My times were 58 minutes and 48 minutes, so my goal for the next one is 38 minutes! I know I can do it if I put my mind to it.

SO, Jesus went through an unimaginable amount of "stuff" for us...what sacrifices are you making in the name of our Lord this season?

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